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In March 2017, after almost a year clear of cancer, Bob came back to party. Read our story below...

🎶 Wooooah we're half way theeeeere....
WooooOOOAH! Living on as much food as I can possibly shove in my mouth at any one time....and a prayer 🎶 I can't believe I am half way...

Week 1
Let's be typically British and start this blog with a moan about the weather. OH MY GOD IT WAS SO BLOODY HOT LAST WEEK,...
The Girl with the Radiotherapy Tattoos
With this being Cervical Screening Awareness Week ( - GO AND...
🎶 This is a shout out to my eggs 🎶
This morning I went in for my egg collection. These juicy little ovaries, which were so nearly binned a few weeks ago, produced an...
Happy dances work!
Thank you everyone who took a minute to say a little prayer and do a little dance for me. Not only does the image of my friends and...
I'm more than just a cancer bore these days...I'm a fertility 'expert' too!
Well it's been another week of ups and downs. Another week of my body not playing the game. Of course it isn't. My body is apparently a...
For my peeps ❤
This week I have dealt with a lot of emotions, all about people. Good, bad, complicated, confusing and at times a little torturous. I...
Oh hi there, hope!
Gaaaaah what a crazy few days! Everything is happening so quickly, which is amazing but I feel like I've forgotten it all already! So...

My big fat rant
Today was a big fat slap in the face. A disgusting, wibbly wobbly wallop. If I wasn't feeling shitty enough already about myself, this...

The best bad news.
Yesterday I was back at the Royal Marsden. My home from home. I met a brand new doctor to get my results following last week's flop of a...
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