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In March 2017, after almost a year clear of cancer, Bob came back to party. Read our story below...

Let them eat cake!
Today I was back at Worthing Hospital for my MRI results. I nearly wasn't, but in the end I was. At 10.09am I had a call from the...
" kids?"
It happened. Last night was the first time I'd encountered the dreaded question. The one that I had no idea how I would handle until it...

Being an arsehole this Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day everyone! Today we celebrate the wonderful women in our lives. The ladies who raised us and turned us into the fine,...
The 7 month itch
Yesterday I was back at the hospital to see my oncologist for my 6 month check up (although it's much nearer 7 months, plus it works...

To HRT or not to HRT - that is the question
Happy Valentine's Day everybody! Whether you're into this over hyped, commercial holiday or not*, today is a great day to think about...

5 things I didn't know about cervical cancer...until I had cervical cancer.
This coming week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week. A whoooole week for me to go on about Bob and how he could have been prevented - and...

Well 2017, it's been emotional...
So here it is. New Years Eve 2017. Another year ticked off the list. Another year that I managed to claw my way out of. Alive. I could...
The results are in.....
Well hi there, it's been a while! 3 months since I last Bob-blogged and not much to report. I've been back at work for a few months now,...

Life after cancer
This morning I was sent this interesting short article about life after cancer -

Chemo and radio? Done.
So here we are - I made it to August. And to the end of my chemo and radiotherapy! HOOOOOORRRAAAAAAAYY!! It's surprising how quickly...
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